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LinkedIn Hack #1

LinkedIn Hack #1

Hello hello hello,

Welcome to day 1/7 of daily social media hacks where in we give you a nugget about LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

When I started my journey on LinkedIn, I was clueless until I saw a freebie in some Facebook group. This random guy had dissected his LinkedIn posts and oh god, the post format still works.

Here is that magical post format –

  1. Write a hook line
  2. Write about a personal or professional incident
  3. Write down your learnings
  4. Add a CTA at the end

So you can practically pick any topic from your journey and convert it into this format to see awesome results.

Out of my initial 10 posts, 2 went viral – all thanks to formats. They work well.

Why does this one works well in particular?

  1. It is a complete package. People get all the information in one post.
  2. It’s personal to you and personal stories are doing well on LinkedIn.
  3. A CTA gets you better engagement

Now go and try it!

SL – Day 1 of 7 – Social media hacks featuring Ms. LinkedIn

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